The National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has created a new database that you can use locate terrorist events worldwide. It includes not only those crimes against humanity that cause death, injury, and destruction, but also events that were detected before anything bad happened, such as finding and defusing a bomb before it expoded.
Here is the mainpage of the Web site--
You can click on any box you'll see to select the area of the world that you're interested in. You should see red dots on the enlarged map (if not, click until they appear). Click on a red dot to read the identification label of a terrorist incident, or attempted incident, then click on the label to read more about the incident. For example, here is the map from Spain that has been enlarged until the red dots showed. You can click on any of the red dots to get information about the incident, then read more about the incident that the red dot identifies.
When you click on the "Analytical Tools" on the top bar, you get this tool that allows you to search terrorist incidents by Region, Group, Target, and Tactic.
You will also see these features: "Terrorism in the News," a search too, links, FAQs, and a glossary.