So they came and they voted... in larger numbers than expected. As one who has little good to say about this war, clearly Sunday was a proud day for Iraq and for the Bush administration.'s Today's Papers rounds it up this way:
According to the Post's ambitious lead—which wraps together reporting from several staffers and 12 Iraqi stringers in eight cities—the battle-weary country "took on the veneer of a festival, as crowds danced, chanted and played soccer in streets secured by thousands of Iraqi and American forces." Everyone notes that many voters ventured to the polls in their best clothes, often accompanied by their children, and returned proudly brandishing their indigo-stained fingers. In a Baghdad scene piece, the NYT's John Burns writes, "Foreigners who have been visiting Iraq for 15 years and knew the tension that crackled under Mr. Hussein could remember no other day when the city, in wide areas, seemed so much at ease."
Slate also notes that the editorial pages come out in favor of democracy,
while attempting to weave yesterday's events into their respective
master narratives.
" The WSJ clucks at liberals who it says opposed the election. The NYT rejoices in Iraqis' courage but reserves "grave doubts about the overall direction of American strategy." Meanwhile the WP distills a welcome moral to the story:
Yesterday, however, Americans finally got a good look at who they are fighting for: millions of average people who have suffered for years under dictatorship and who now desperately want to live in a free and peaceful country. Their votes were an act of courage and faith—and an answer to the question of whether the mission in Iraq remains a just cause.
My hope is that this will represent a turning point for that country. My gut tells me something else, however. And even if Iraq proves successful, I don't think the way justifies the means. In the end, not unlike in ones personal life, one has to take responsibility for themselves. And I still believe there is a long way to go. I'm sure we will all be staying tuned.
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